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Absence Reporting

To Report an Absence

Email: Karlie Heiser

or call (925) 686-4749

Please include student's name, dates of absence and reason for absence.  

All absences must be reported to the school within 3 days or they will be considered unexcused, no matter the reason for the absence.

Students with twelve absences or more are considered chronically absent, this includes excused absences. After twelve absences, a doctor's note is required for every absence the remainder of the school year.


  1. Illness or injury of the student.

  2. Attendance at a doctor, optometry or chiropractic appointment for the student

  3. Attendance at the funeral of an immediate family member

  4. A quarantine imposed by city or state health officials

  5. Court appearance

  6. Observance of a religious holiday or ceremony


  1. Traveling out of town

  2. Vacation

  3. No transportation or lack of a vehicle

  4. Any absence not cleared within 72 hours

  5. Exclusion from school because of lack of immunizations or a physical

  6. Appointments for parents/siblings

Chronic Absence

If your student surpasses twelve absences they are considered chronically absent. Any student on the chronic absence must have parents or guardian provide medical verification for each absence to be excused for the remainder of the school year.

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow
Asista Hoy, Tenga Éxito Mañana

student attendance review board (sarb)

Regular attendance is vital for successful learning. According to state law, students are considered truant when they have 3 or more unexcused absences and/or 3 tardies of 30 minutes or more without a valid excuse. A letter will be sent to parents of students who are considered truant. In addition, a copy of the letter will be filed in the student's CUM. Students who are habitually truant may be referred to SARB.

What is SARB?